How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Smell A Guide

Cute cat sleeping rug

It can be very satisfying to keep a cat as a pet because they will provide you a lot of enjoyment and attention. Yet, as any cat owner is aware, hiccups occasionally happen. Cat urine causes a wide range of issues. Cat urine has a potent, offensive odor that can be challenging to get rid of, but can be done with the right tools and techniques.

You’ll learn how to remove cat urine odor from carpets, mattresses, couches, tile, sealed wood flooring, baseboards, and unsealed floors, among other surfaces. You should be able to eliminate the odor and keep your home clean and welcoming if you heed the suggestions in this guide. Addressing the root cause of urination is necessary if you want a healthy cat and a clean home. This issue could be anything from a medical ailment to a litter box issue.

Cat Urine Odor Removal

There are a few ways to get rid of cat urine smell. Urine pollution must be first removed as soon as is practical. The smell of pee gets stronger and is harder to clean up the longer it is allowed to sit. The following are some suggestions for getting rid of the smell:

  • Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can.
  • In a spray bottle, combine white vinegar and water in equal parts. Spray the area well with the solution and let it sit for a few minutes. The vinegar aids in reducing the smell of the urine.
  • Using paper towels or a clean cloth, blot up the solution. 
  • One cup of hydrogen peroxide and one spoonful of baking soda should be combined to form a solution. Pour the solution over the damaged area with caution, being sure to completely cover it. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide combine to decompose the urine and eliminate the odor.
  • After letting the solution sit for at least 15 minutes, clean the area with a fresh cloth or piece of paper.
  • Let the area to thoroughly dry by air. If the scent still exists, repeat the process.
  • You might try using a specialized enzymatic cleaner made to remove urine odor and stains if the scent persists after cleaning.
  • If you simply partially clean the area, the stink will linger. Make sure to completely remove the cat urine stain.
  • Finally, use a motion-activated sprinkler or an electronic repellant to keep cats away from the area to prevent them from peeing in the same place again.

Remember to visit a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues if your cat frequently relieves themselves outside of the litter box.

If your cat peed on the carpet, mattress, or couch

The procedure for cleaning the area if your cat urinated on a carpet, mattress, or couch is typically the same as for cleaning any other surface. The following advice is specialized to removing cat urine from several kinds of materials:

Carpet: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can. Then, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally mist the affected area with the mixture. After letting the solution sit for a while, blot it up with a fresh piece of cloth. Continue until the scent is eliminated. Try using a specific enzyme cleanser made to get rid of urine odor and stains if the smell doesn’t go away. Be cautious to test the cleaner on an inconspicuous patch of the carpet first to make sure it doesn’t discolour or damage the material.

Mattress: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can. Then, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally mist the affected area with the mixture. After letting the solution sit for a while, blot it up with a fresh piece of cloth. To get rid of extra moisture from the mattress, use a vacuum. Continue until the scent is eliminated. You can sprinkle baking soda over the troublesome region, let it lie for an hour, and then vacuum it up to deodorize the mattress.

Couch: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can. Then, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally mist the affected area with the mixture. After letting the solution sit for a while, blot it up with a fresh piece of cloth. Continue until the scent is eliminated. To get rid of the smell and stains left behind by urine, you can either buy or rent a steam cleaner, or you can use a specialized enzymatic cleaner.

It’s crucial to get rid of as much urine as you can as soon as you can. The odor will be harder to get rid of the longer the pee remains. While working with chemical solutions, always take safety and health precautions.

If your cat peed on tile, sealed wood flooring or baseboards

Here are some cleaning suggestions for tile, sealed wood flooring, and baseboards if your cat has urinated there:

Tile: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can. Then, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally mist the affected area with the mixture. After letting the solution stay for a while, wipe it away with a fresh cloth. Continue until the scent is eliminated.

Sealed Wood Flooring: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can. Then, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally mist the affected area with the mixture. After letting the solution stay for a while, wipe it away with a fresh cloth. Make sure to completely wipe away the solvent, then let the floor air dry entirely. If the scent still exists, repeat the process.

Baseboards: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can. Then, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally mist the affected area with the mixture. After letting the solution stay for a while, wipe it away with a fresh cloth. Continue until the scent is eliminated.

It’s crucial to get rid of as much urine as you can as soon as you can. The odor will be harder to get rid of the longer the pee remains. It might be preferable to seek a professional for guidance and repair if you notice any discoloration or damage to the wood flooring or baseboards after cleaning.

In order to stop your cat from peeing in the same place again, you should also think about employing a motion-activated sprinkler or an electrical repellant to keep them away from the location.

If your cat peed on unsealed floors:

The procedure for cleaning the area if your cat urinated on unsealed wood or concrete floors is similar to that for cleaning sealed wood or tile floors, but there are a few more factors to take into account:

Unsealed Wood Floors: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can. Then, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally mist the affected area with the mixture. After letting the solution stay for a while, wipe it away with a fresh cloth. Make sure to completely wipe away the solvent, then let the floor air dry entirely. If the scent still exists, repeat the process. You should only use this procedure once because the unsealed wood absorbs the liquid. Repeated use of vinegar or another acidic solution could destroy the wood fibers and stain the floor. In order to shield the wood flooring from further harm, it might also be a good idea to seal it after cleaning. 

Unsealed Concrete Floors: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much of the urine as you can. Then, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally mist the affected area with the mixture. After letting the solution stay for a while, wipe it away with a fresh cloth. Continue until the scent is eliminated. Concrete can absorb urine because it is a porous substance, making it challenging to totally get rid of the smell. To get rid of the odor, you might need to repeat the procedure several times or use a specialized enzymatic cleaner.

In both situations, it’s crucial to get rid of as much pee as you can right once to prevent further harm. Once more, to stop your cat from peeing in the same place repeatedly, think about employing a motion-activated sprinkler or an electrical repellant to keep them away from the spot.

Wrapping Up

The following is a list of the most common questions we get from our customers. The method for cleaning up cat urine is the same whether it is on the carpet, mattress, couches, tile, sealed wood flooring, baseboards, or unsealed floors: use a cleaning solution made of water and white vinegar.


It’s crucial to remember that calling a professional for guidance and repair may be ideal if you see any discoloration or damage after cleaning.

It’s also critical to keep in mind that removing cat urine is merely a short-term fix. It’s critical to address the underlying problem that may be causing your cat to urinate outside of their litter box if you want to stop future accidents. This can be caused by a health issue, stress, or a litter box issue. By dealing with the underlying issue, you may contribute to keeping both your home tidy and odor-free as well as your cat happy and healthy.

In conclusion, cleaning cat urine involves time, patience, and the appropriate solution, but if you follow the instructions in this tutorial, you may successfully get rid of the stench and avoid any further incidents.