10 Tips How to Get Along Better with Your Cat


Cats are one of the most loving and popular pets in the whole world. So usually there are lots of kitten lovers. Adopting a cat isn’t always an easy process. If you are a cat lover and you don’t know how to get friendly with a cat, be with us; we are going to reveal some magical tips for you in this regard. These tips will help you discover how to get a cat to like you. So, keep reading!

Avoid punishment and opt for positive reinforcement


Kitties and young cats are exceptionally active and it is completely normal; they will get up to mischief such as scratching furniture, jumping encounters, and even biting. We need to be patient and understand that these behaviors are species-specific and it is only through positive reinforcement that we can appropriately redirect their behavior into less destructive habits. We must avoid punishment such as scolding or hitting altogether as it only causes distress, stress, and poor bond.

Don’t stare at them

When a human and a cat have a poor bond, it is inadvisable from the human’s side to look at the cat intensely for any length of time. Cats can interpret this behavior as negative and such assumption may turn into distrust and may even result in aggressive reactions.


Play with your cat


Contrary to the popular belief that cats are not affectionate animals, the truth is they love to receive attention and affection, especially through games. However, we play with our cats but often quite incorrectly which can lead to unwanted behavior in the long term. Specifically, we too often use our hands or feet to play with our cats and end up receiving biting and scratching. Ideally, it is better to play with cats using toys. We had better avoid using our hands and keep them reserved for petting and affectionate interaction. This is particularly important when we have children at home.

Do not corner or block your cat’s way

Cats are very independent animals; but they can also be quite fearful. If they feel trapped they will flee by any means necessary.  This is why you should never corner your cat or block their way. It can annoy and even frighten the cat and if it runs away when you want to pet it, you should use patience and wait until it approaches you again.

Do not disturb their sleep

Imagine you’re sleeping peacefully and suddenly something agitatedly wakes you up. It’s uncomfortable, isn’t it?  Your cat will feel the same. So, you shouldn’t wake it up simply because you want to play with it. Cats spend most of the day sleeping and not getting enough rest firstly affects their well-being.  Eventually, this may cause the cat dislike you and stay away.

Do not interrupt when they use the litter box

Using the litter box is an important part of a cat’s routine and they shouldn’t be disturbed when they are doing so.  This is because when a cat relieves itself, it tends to feel vulnerable and remains in a state of alert against possible threats. This makes a cat more easily frightened by movement and noise. If the animal is frequently disturbed in their litter box they may even stop using it altogether and look to somewhere else in the house to urinate and defecate in peace.

Do not hold their tail

A cat’s tail plays a much greater role than mere aesthetics. It helps them maintain balance and communicate with others. You shouldn’t think it’s funny tugging a cat’s tail. It’s not only very annoying but also quite harmful. This also applies to their whiskers and other more private parts of their bodies.

Do not lift cats holding their neck

You may have seen that cats hold their kittens in their mouths by the excess skin located to the back of their neck. Being human, avoid doing the same as this is not a practice that cats like specially the adult ones. You can’t control their movement like they can and you will simply make them feel threatened by doing so. If you must lift up your cat, make sure that its legs are supported and not dangling in the air.

Respect their routine and schedule

To get along with your cat, it is essential that you understand the a few things well. Cats are animals of routine and they hate to do anything against their will.  This is why it is so important we follow a consistent schedule for their feeding, playing and other activities. We must also try to avoid hugging or playing with them if they clearly show they don’t want to. Otherwise, it will likely result in a scratch.

Learn more about feline body language and communication

Learn more about cat’s body language and communication

And finally we come to the most important point; we need to learn more about cat’s body language and communication. For instance, purring is not always a sign that a cat is happy. It may also indicate to an attack and a bite or scratch is coming your way if you don’t stop bothering them. 

These small details are vital to know about; because not knowing about those or a misinterpretation of details may lead to a prejudice that cats attack humans abruptly or for no reason or out of some personal antagonism.

These are our top 10 tips for you for getting along better with your cat. Let us know what you would add, leave us your comments below and share if you enjoyed these tips.

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